Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Tortoise Triangle Soundwave Silver Guitar Pick Earrings
Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Gold Tortoise Triangle Soundwave Earrings handmade with custom designed tortoise triangle guitar picks embellished with 7 natural gemstones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Malachite, Blue Lapis, Amethyst, and Moonstone. Representing the soundwave vibrations of the music scale in frequency (htz). They share the same frequency as the chakra energy centers in the body. When you adorn yourself with the stones, their vibration interacts with the vibration of the cells in your body. The electromagnetic frequencies carried by the stone will vibrate with related law of resonance, creating a third larger vibration field. The nervous system is attuned to these shifts in energy and transmits this information to the brain. Here the frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect the physical body and shift brain function. Stainless Steel ear wires.